
SS2 Dieselheizung Toolbox Compact-SE, 6L Plateau-Modus

$249.99 $189.99

Verfügt über einen 6-Liter-Kraftstofftank, intelligente Bluetooth-Steuerung mit Höhenmodus und doppelten Stromeingang (12 V/24 V DC und 110 V-240 V AC). Es heizt sich schnell auf, sorgt für einen effizienten Kraftstoffverbrauch und ist perfekt für Wohnmobile, LKWs und Outdoor-Abenteuer!

Konverter: AC 110V-240V Adapter und Bluetooth

AC 110V-240V Adapter und Bluetooth

Steckertyp: EU-Stecker

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Standheizung 8KW Universal All In One

Ausgestattet mit einem 6-Liter-Kraftstofftank, kompaktem und tragbarem Design, intelligenter Bluetooth-Steuerung mit Höhenmodus. Bietet Kraftstoffverbrauchsraten von nur 0,15–0,44 l/h, unterstützt 12 V/24 V Gleichstrom und 110 V–240 V Wechselstrom und eignet sich für Wohnmobile, LKWs und Outdoor-Abenteuer.


Schnelle Heiztechnologie
Heizt sich innerhalb von 10 Minuten schnell auf 100 °C auf und liefert Wärme ohne Brennstoffverschwendung. Sorgt für schnelle Wärme mit verbesserter Verbrennungseffizienz. Die Komfortzone des menschlichen Körpers beträgt bei voller Leistung 20–25 m².

Erweiterte Laufzeit
Bietet einen Kraftstoffverbrauch von nur 0,15–0,44 l/h, wodurch der Nachtankbedarf minimiert wird. Ausgestattet mit einem größeren 6-l-Kraftstofftank, der längere Heizsitzungen mit minimalem Nachtanken gewährleistet.

Universeller dualer Stromeingang
Unterstützt 12 V/24 V Gleichstrom und 110 V–240 V Wechselstrom, schaltet automatisch zwischen Fahrzeug- und Haushaltsstrom um, sodass Sie es sowohl unterwegs als auch zu Hause verwenden können.

Intelligente Bluetooth-Steuerung mit Höhenmodus
Steuern Sie die Temperatur, passen Sie Einstellungen an und wechseln Sie ganz einfach mit der Bluetooth-App in den Höhenmodus. Der Höhenmodus sorgt für eine optimale Kraftstoffverbrennung in größeren Höhen und eignet sich daher ideal für Roadtrips in die Berge.

Kompaktes und tragbares Design
Dieser tragbare Dieselheizer ist in einer robusten All-in-One-Box mit integriertem Griff untergebracht und lässt sich leicht transportieren, installieren und warten. Egal, ob Sie ihn in Ihrem Wohnmobil, LKW oder bei Outdoor-Abenteuern verwenden, sein kompaktes Design macht ihn praktisch und unkompliziert.


Modell: SS2 Compact-SE
Stromquelle: 12 V/24 V Gleichstrom und 110 V – 240 V Wechselstrom
Heizmethode: Ventilator & Umluft, Konvektion
Wärmeleistung: 5 ~ 8 kW
Kraftstoffverbrauch: 0,15–0,44 l/h
Effektive Reichweite der Fernbedienung: 100 Meter
Heizkörper-Betriebstemperatur: -40~+50°C
Betriebstemperatur der Ölpumpe: -40~+40°C

Im Lieferumfang enthalten:

1 x Diesel-Lufterhitzer
1 x LCD-Schalter
1 x Fernbedienung
1 x Schalldämpfer
1 x Auspuffrohr
1 x AC-Netzteil
1 x Kabelbaum
1 x Schraubenzubehörsatz
1 x Benutzerhandbuch


Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews

This is the one you want. Warm air, easy to use. Bluetooth and remote. I just wish the outlet flange was longer. It is difficult to get a 3” hose on the end because it is so short.

Tim schulz
My first diesel heater, I like it

I watched a bunch of videos about diesel heaters, read all of the comments and took a chance. My experience is that this heater was well assembled and safe to use as it came from the factory. There were no loose screws or hose clamps. There were no leaks. I’ve run it flawlessly for 10-12 hours daily for several weeks heating a 14’x22’ room in a garage. Does it heat it up quickly? Not really, but after a couple of hours the temperature has been at least 10 degrees warmer than outside and after that the temperature keeps rising about 10 degrees Fahrenheit an hour. That’s my experience with this heater. The room has a 12’ ceiling, so it’s a pretty good sized space. I have the heater sitting outside the building and 8’ of ducting run through the window into the room. I think it would heat quicker if mounted inside the room and the exhaust run through the wall to the outside but I’m not sure because I haven’t tried it. On the highest setting I think it will run about 12-14 hours per tankful. I use a 50 amp lifepo4 battery to power it. After the shutdown sequence is completed, within 5 minutes the exhaust pipe and heater are cool enough for me to touch and separate for storage. The exhaust pipe is actually cold within 5 minutes . I think this type heater is for people that have some experience with equipment and who enjoy operating different types of equipment. If you expect to plug and play and don’t have any idea of what to do when a clamp needs tightening or how to install a fuel line hose clamp, maybe you should consider another type of heater. Personally , I think these heaters are fun to set up and run and I am not a professional.

Nice little compact heater so far

I've been running it all day for 6 days now, and shutting it off at night. It's very cold in colorado. Takes awhile to get my 2 car garage up to temp but it eventually becomes quite comfortable. I have to use it on high all day tho. Its a well insulated 2 car low ceiling garage. I weatherstripping and caulked many places so it's pretty weathertight. The Bluetooth app helps in the morning. I just turn it on when I wake up from my bedroom. So far I'd say I'm pleased. Wish it had slightly more power to be able to operate on a lower setting but my space size is stretching it for the size of this unit. You can't really beat the size, cost for the output, and ease of use. I just hope the longevity is there too but we shall see! In the morning I am able to get from 50 degrees to 62-65 in 1.5 hours. After that it is t shirt weather and it's 1 degree outside right now so I can't complain.

Noah Morton
Works great

Bought it and came right before we left for camping. Took it straight out of the box and fueled it up. Started first try. The night was 30 degrees. Used it and had to turn down the heat. Got out 4 person tent hot. So ran it low setting and kept the chill out of the air. Only complaint was the fuel pump has a faint clicking noise. I’d recommend keeping it far away from tent as possible. But it wasn’t that bad. Also. Download the app on your phone. It was nice not having to get out of the tent and see the status and control the heat from inside.

Best portable option

Got this heater because I was looking for something a little more portable. I own a Silvel box heater and it works great but wanted something smaller and a little more weather resistant. So far, I have used a for a week straight in the PNW during winter. Worked great, fuel efficiency was good but it was a little loud.


Please click here to download the product manual.

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